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Why Turban Tying Is So Important

By Lela Perkins

A head gear that signifies standing tall and royalty, the turban has made many men look handsome as well as symbolize their respective culture. It is a unique style that always, unwarranted too, makes a statement. Even the simplest of people cannot go unnoticed when this majestic accessory rests on their top. Usually composed of a long piece of cloth, it is nothing short of beautiful art to merely tie one. This art, however, in modern times, is slowly giving in to more feasible measures. Turban tying is gradually being replaced by the hastier cousin, the ready made.

Any form of head gear has a history and significance in present times. While for many this significance is merely carried forward from earlier days, many others know its value today as well. This is why they understand the process of tying the cloth on their heads. However, differences occur when, in many contexts the gear worn symbolizes power, and in many others, oppression.

Traditionally, wearing the cloth on the head is considered ceremonious by itself. Carried out amid dancing, music and colorful display of colors, it forms part of a huge celebration or a wedding. The more prestigious the occasion, the brighter are the colors and the more dazzling are the pieces.

Nevertheless, there are also cultures wherein wearing this item on the head is also a mark of the working man. To be worn daily, it symbolizes the boundaries within which a man exists, the social, cultural and domestic ones especially. Not wearing one is unheard of, and probably done in times of loss or death.

Women too wear turbans. There exist certain cultures where the females dominate the society and the head piece signifies the working lady. It may also, in some cases, symbolize the position of the woman amid her household or her society. Moving out of the house without the cloth could even signify something shameful.

Tying one of these suave pieces of clothing, if not learnt early by those who must wear them daily, could result in difficult situations. These could range of loss of face in public to harsh chastisement at home. While for the rich and affluent, there are servants who tie the cloth, the lesser fortunate must learn to do so themselves.

Those who do so could very earn a living out of it. In many cities, there is a strong demand for turban tiers. There are exclusive shops that sell these as hot cakes. Many lend them for special occasions. And many offer their services to tie them on a group of people on certain occasions.

Making a livelihood or profession out of this tradition can also open doors to the revival of this art in many ways. Tying turbans on special occasions such as weddings often leads to much dismay among organizers as one or two family members must engage in the arrangement. With professionals who can be hired to do the task, tradition need not be resigned to the fate of amateurs.

As they do so, they do, unknowingly, make sure this tradition or art does not completely perish from the face of the earth. Turban tying, after all, needs to spread more among the communities and be recognized for the true worth it has.

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