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Research On The Urban Turban

By Cathy Mercer

People need to be informed on urban turban. This is all about the scarfs worn in towns. Doing things because everyone is doing it is considered independent. This means that such a person rely on what others do. Being mature and able to reason helps one know exactly what they need with their life. This will mean that the person can look at a situation and be able to criticize it.

A study on urban turban shows that there are varieties of scarfs. They all differ from color shade and sizes. They can also be made of various materials which are easy to identify. The material can determine what the scarf can do. There are some materials that can serve a good number of functions while others can only be used in one functionality.

There are scarfs worn during wet weather. This is the time that there is a lot of rains and ice in some parts of the world. Many prefer being indoors at such a time since chances of one getting diseases are high. When need be the people have to live their houses. They use the heavy scarfs which ensure that they do not freeze from the outside weather.

Other scarfs are worn to show uniforms in a group of people. For example a group of singers may say that they would not to have clothes that look the same at all. They therefore opt to wear scarfs that help people identify them. So many grouped has absorbed this idea. They order their scarfs from the factory for them to be made exactly the same for similarity.

The same scarf for the head can be used to make one not to have their hairs spoilt. When there is a lot of wind dust can be blown to the hair making it very dirty. This means that one will have to wash their hair even if they had not planned to. They would thus mean an extra cost, to save this one can just use the scarf and tie it in a way it covers all the hair.

In the towns there are people who own small kitchen gardens. This means that they have to be attending it now and then. They thus use the scarfs to cover their heads to avoid dust from reaching the hair.

On the Christianity still, there are some churches where they ask their female members to come to church while they have their hair covered. They are always allowed to remove the scarf immediately the service is over. The males in such churches do not wear the scarf.

When one get to know about urban turban they start to use the scarfs as soon as possible. They even use the town scarfs at the rural areas. Scarfs have really helped in making people smart in their outfits.

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